The Significance of Emblem of
Vivekananda Institute of Environment & Management
The emblem of the Vivekananda Institute of Environment & Management is a unique and unparalleled work of art which represents the True Nature of Organization. The Square represents the Ancient Yajna Kunda, which is a profound symbol of sacrifice, harmony and pay-back principle, an antidote in this present age of conflict and disharmony. This symbol is the epitome of harmony and synthesis between Jeeva and Prakriti (Nature), leading to life’s fulfillment. The Sun represents the Supreme Knowledge (Jnana- Surya) , the ultimate Goal of Everyone in Life. VIEM, the abbreviated form of Vivekananda Institute of Environment & Management means " By following the ideals practiced in the Organization, One will attain the state of Liberation. This is indeed the most eloquent expression of what Swami Vivekananda really preached, what he wanted every man and woman to be, to realize. The goal is to realize, even in this very life, one’s real Self through Sacrifice and Knowledge.
Since the main focus of the organization is to impart and promote the eternal twin ideals of India: Achievement of one’s own perfection and conservation/sustainable development of our mother Earth as propounded by Swami Vivekananda, the color of the Square and VIEM are deep green, where as the Sun is red.
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